July 2011
In this issueResource Recycling Opening Night Reception
Save the Date ISave the Date IIFree School Composting WebinarRecycle Cans, Raise Money For SchoolsSponsor Spotlight: Petoskey Plastics
Upcoming Events
July 23, “Recycle Drop When You Shop” at Whole Foods Indianapolis & Carmel stores. Shoppers can drop off hard-to-recycle items like electronics, batteries, etc. Click here for more information including a complete listing of accepted materials.
August 12-13, Greenstock Music Festival, Brown County
August 17 & 18, Resource Recycling Conference, Indianapolis
November 12, IRC Fall Event
You’re receiving this newsletter because you signed up for the Indiana Recycling Coalition Newsletter. If you’d prefer to not receive it, please let us know.
IRC/NRC to Co-Host August 16 Reception
To kick off this year’s Resource Recycling conference, the IRC and NRC are co-hosting a reception at Victory Field in downtown Indianapolis on Tuesday, August 16th from 7 – 9 pm. The $25 fee includes an Indians baseball game ticket, full picnic dinner and beer (including award-winning local brew from Sun King). Please purchase tickets in advance! A very limited number of tickets will be available on August 16, for $40.
We hope you’ll join us — click here to register for the reception and/or conference. You do not need to attend the conference to buy a ticket for the reception!
For more information call the IRC offices at 317-632-5915.
Welcome Newest Members Of The IRC!
Warrick County SWMD
And Thank You To Our Returning Members!
Kostas Poulakidas
Listing in the “New & Returning Members” section is voluntary. The IRC does not share its membership list or member contact information.
IRC Video Contest
“Re-conomics” is the theme of this year’s IRC America Recycles Day video contest open to Indiana middle and high school students. Students can earn prize money for creating 30 second PSAs that educate Hoosiers about how reducing, reusing and recycling are good for our economy and, more specifically:
* how Hoosier businesses, communities and organizations save money by reducing, reusing and/or recycling
* how new jobs can be created as a result of recycling. Participants will have the opportunity to receive cash prizes.
Entries will be due Tuesday, October 18th. For a complete listing of rules and regulations and registration information, click here or contact Monica Brase.
KAB Launches New K-12 Recycling Competition!
Recycle-Bowl is KAB’s friendly competition and benchmarking tool for K-12 school recycling programs to promote their waste reduction activities.
Beginning in October 2011, schools will track recyclables for four weeks then report their recycling data at the end of the competition. Prizes will be awarded according to which schools collect the largest amount of recyclables per capita per state.
For more information, click here, then keep up with the latest contest developments on the facebook page.
Recycling = Jobs
The IRC spends a great deal of time focusing on the economic benefits of recycling, including the job creation that results from new and expanded recycling programs. So we were very pleased to see the “Jobs = Recycling” article in Resource Recycling Magazine this month. The article includes great statistics, survey results, and more. Thanks to Resource Recycling for allowing us to make this article available to Recycl’IN News. Click here to see the article.
The IRC’s annual fall gala will be on Saturday, November 12th. Tickets will be on sale soon!
November 15th is America Recycles Day (ARD)! It is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to the promotion of recycling programs in the United States and it’s just around the corner.
ARD is a great opportunity for groups, businesses, individuals, schools or whoever to plan or participate in recycling activities. They can be as simple as organizing an aluminum can drive, or challenging as participating in the IRC’s video contest.
For more information about planning or finding an ARD event, click here.
Free School Composting Webinar
Learn how to start and maintain a school composting program! Register for NERC’s “Composting at Schools” webinar Tuesday, September 20 at 3 pm EDT. Information to be discussed includes: program set-up; benefits to the school community; curriculum; funding, labor and collection logistics; types of compost bins and bin maintenance; options for off-site composting; and more. The webinar is free.
For more information on the webinar, click here or contact Athena Lee Bradley.To register for the September 20, 2011 webinar, click here.
Recycle Cans, Raise Money For Schools
The Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) is inviting schools to participate in its 2nd Annual Great American Can Roundup School Challenge. CMI is awarding monetary prizes for each state winner recycling the most aluminum cans per student and an additional monetary prize to the national winner. The contest will run from America Recycles Day (Nov. 15) to Earth Day (April 22) 2012. Click here for details regarding the contest.
Sponsor Spotlight: Petoskey Plastics
Since 1970, Petoskey Plastics has been an innovator in manufacturing b lown plastic film and bags for the automotive, recycling, food, retail, packaging and construction industries.
Petoskey first began recycling in 1978 and never stopped thinking green. Its closed loop recycling program takes post- use plastic out of the waste stream and puts it back into the products they manufacture. AND Petoskey’s Hartford City facility, where most of the recycling takes place, will soon be taking delivery of new, state-of-the-art recycling equipment that will significantly increase production capabilities and add new jobs.
Today, Petoskey is preparing to enter a whole new “green zone.”
Petoskey recently installed a meteoroligical (MET) tower at its Hartford City, Indiana recycling and manufacturing facility. The MET tower
With assistance from the Blackford County Economic Development Corp oration, Petoskey applied for and received funding for the wind power feasibility study through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) from the US Department of Agriculture Rural Development. Petoskey was one of just 68 recipients nationwide chosen to receive study grants.