Announcing our Partnership with All At Once and the 2014 Jack Johnson From Here To Now To You Tour! Donate today through September 1st, and your donation will be matched by the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation.
The IRC is teaming up with Jack Johnson on his 2014 From Here To Now To You Tour and All At Once, a social action network connecting nonprofits with people who want to become active in their local and world community. All At Once comes to life online at and at the Jack Johnson concerts where you can get educated, get inspired, and connect face-to-face with us and other local and national non-profits.
Explore All At Once! Visit to check out what you can do before, during, and after the show to get involved.
Participate in our Pre-Concert Event: details coming soon!
Visit us at the show! We will be at Jack Johnson’s concert on June 1st at White River State Park. Please come visit us, take environmental action, and enter to win Best Seats in the House – a chance to watch the show from the side of the stage!
Help us raise funds! Jack Johnson’s charity is matching donations contributed to us at the show or directly to the IRC through September 1st, up to a total of $2500. Make a contribution right now and your money will be doubled by the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation.
See you June 1st with Jack!