During the 2014 legislative session which kicked off last week, we will be advocating for a new state recycling goal and new recycling data collection requirements. We are thrilled that Governor Pence is working with the legislature on bill language that includes these two goals. We will be working closely with the Governor’s office and bill authors in the coming weeks to ensure that these basic elements are put in place in 2014.
Why are a state goal and reporting requirements so important? In order to develop aggressive policies to advance recycling in Indiana, it will be extremely important to benchmark our current and future recycling programs. In addition, a state recycling goal will set a clear directive to the legislature and communities across the state. The legislature will have a goal to strive towards as they consider new recycling legislation in 2015 and beyond. A state recycling goal will also challenge communities to do more at the local level and to best leverage any state resources available to achieve that goal.
We will ask you to call your legislators in support of these two policies when the time comes. Stay tuned!
This year, the IRC is also celebrating our 25th anniversary! We are excited to look back at all we’ve accomplished in a quarter century, as well as look forward to significant program and policy initiatives in 2014 and beyond.
We hope to engage you with our policy and program activities and we invite you to attend our 25th anniversary gala in November – exact date to be announced soon!
Sustainably yours,
Carey Hamilton
Executive Director
Please consider supporting the important work of the IRC….Click here to become a member or to make a donation of any amount today!
Register for Conservation Day at the Statehouse!
January 28, 2014
IRC is proud to be a member of the Indiana Conservation Alliance (INCA), “a unified voice advocating for public funding for land, water, and wildlife conservation.”
We invite you to attend the annual Conservation Day at the Statehouse sponsored by members representing 27 local and statewide organizations. INCA members share a common interest in the protection, stewardship and sustainable use of our natural resources. Please join!
Conservation Day at the Statehouse
Tuesday, January 28, 2014, North Atrium
Reception begins at 11:00 with words from Former Lieutenant Governor Becky Skillman Followed by Awards Ceremony, Lunch and conversation at 11:15 a.m.
Remember, the more people that attend Conservation Day, the bigger the impact.
Come for the whole day or just for your lunch hour.
Carpool with co-workers, friends and family or take a brisk walk to the statehouse, and help make a difference!
Please click HERE to register for Conservation Day 2014.
The Indiana Conservation Alliance (INCA) is a state-wide network of nonprofit organizations providing a unified voice for the conservation and wise use of our natural resource to enhance our quality of life.
IRC’s 2014 Annual Conference and Exhibition!
Save the Date- June 3-5, Indianapolis
Please mark your calendars for June 3-5, 2014 and join us for the 25th annual Indiana Recycling Coalition Conference an Exhibition.
Join us this June at the Wyndham West Hotel in Indianapolis to learn about the latest developments and innovations in waste reduction, reuse, composting and recycling; network with professionals in the industry, new partners and old friends; and share your ideas and products with those in attendance.
If you are interested in assisting or submitting a presentation proposal, please email jean@indianarecycling.org.
Complete a Home Energy Assessment and Energizing Indiana will donate $25 to Indiana Recycling Coalition!
For every supporter who signs up and completes a Home Energy Assessment, Energizing Indiana will give our organization $25! Home Energy Assessments help raise your home’s performance, lower energy bills, improve in-home air quality and increase your home’s value.The energy advisor will install energy efficient CFLs, faucet aerators and showerhead(s), as well as a water heater pipe installation.
Once your home’s energy assessment is complete, you will receive a comprehensive report detailing what can be done to start saving energy and make your home more comfortable.
Energizing Indiana programs are funded by utility rates and there are no separate fees to participate.
Energizing Indiana programs are funded by utility rates, with no extra fees to participate.
Once your assessment is complete, Energizing Indiana will donate $25 to the IRC! Indiana Recycling Coalition’s organization number is: IRCI06082012.
or call 1-888-446-7750 to schedule your assessment!
Forward this message to family and friends, encouraging them to participate and raise funds for our organization too.
New and Renewing Members: Thank You for your support!!Renewing MembersTeachers’ Treasures, Inc.Indianapolis Power & LightCity of New Haven
Lauren Tavel
James Crouse
WUR Solid Waste Management DistrictNew Members:City of Carmel UtilitiesGreen Plus PlasticsSustainable Catalyst Partners LLC
Frank Drumwright
Jane Santucci
CVP Connect: the Free, Online Training Site for Strategic and Effective Recycling Education
Do you need help educating residents about your recycling program? You’re not alone! With mounting responsibilities and increasingly hectic schedules, it is becoming more difficult to spend time on strategic recycling education. At the Curbside Value Partnership (CVP), we understand your struggles and have a tool to help!
CVP is a national nonprofit dedicated to improving residential recycling programs through education. Through our partnerships with 31 communities and four states, we have produced a library of best practices and in an effort to share these best practices and help communities with strategic education outreach, we created CVP Connect, a free, online recycling education training tool to help you develop, execute and measure strategic and effective education campaigns.
In CVP Connect, you’ll find our unique CVP Campaign Approach Methodology, which guides you to a specific campaign approach tailored to address the needs that you are facing with your recycling program. Through a series of education-focused Webinars and tutorials, CVP partner case studies, best practices and other materials, you can get everything you need to develop a customized, strategic education campaign, including campaign artwork that can be tailored and localized for your community. And did we mention that this is all available for free?
The best part about CVP Connect is that it can all be accessed on YOUR schedule. We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to work at your own pace and move around the site to access topics that are most relevant to you when you need them.
Visit CVPConnect.org today and learn more about and register for this free, online education tool. Email us with any questions at info@recyclecurbside.org and follow us on Twitter at @CVPConnect.
2014 AF&PA Recycling Awards
Enter your paper recycling program for a chance to win!
Enter today – – the 2014 American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) Recycling Awards are officially underway!
The annual awards program has been redesigned to offer increased opportunities for outstanding paper recycling efforts to be recognized. Applicants in three categories – school, business and community – each have four chances to win: programs will be judged on creativity, participation, partnership, and volume collected. Winners receive a cash prize, an original piece of framed artwork, and visibility in local and national media.
Best practices of winning recycling programs will be featured on paperrecycles.org and in AF&PA outreach materials to inspire and encourage others to take up, or increase, paper recycling. All efforts contribute to the industry-wide goal to exceed 70 percent paper recovery for recycling by 2020.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain attention for your paper recycling program! For more information and to apply, visit paperrecycles.org
Deadline for all entries is March 7th, 2014.
Questions? AF&PA will host a webinar on January 15th, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. EST. that will provide an overview of the awards program, award categories and entry process.Sign up here.
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Indiana Recycling Coalition | 708 E. Michigan St. | Indianapolis | IN | 46202