IRC’s 2009 Conference and Exhibition – June 2 – 4, Bloomington Convention Center Bloomington, Indiana
Call the IRC office @ 317-632-5915 to register today!
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (content subject to change)
2:00p Tour – Tibetan Cultural Center
4:00p—6:00p Registration & Early Exhibitor Setup
5:00p—6:30p Sponsor & Exhibitor Reception
7:00p “Kick-off” Reception at Upland Brewery
7:00a Registration Desk Opens
8:00a Buffet Breakfast & IRC Annual Meeting featuring installation of new board members and highlights of the IRC’s recent activities
9:00a Concurrent Breakout Sessions Choose one
A. American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment
B. How to go Green 101: Models for Businesses of all Sizes
C. Green Building: New & Renew
10:15a Exhibitor Spotlight Enjoy some refreshments and visit with our exhibitors
11:00a Concurrent Breakout Sessions Choose one
A. Sustainable Schools
B. Greening the Medical Community
C. IDEM’s Clean Community Challenge
12:15p Lunch & Keynote Presentation by Wayne Zink, CEO of Endangered Species Chocolate
1:30p Exhibitor Spotlight Enjoy some refreshments and visit with our exhibitors
2:15p Concurrent Breakout Sessions Choose one
A. Waste Reduction for Hotels & Restaurants
B. Current Status of eScrap in Indiana
C. Understanding Zero Waste
3:30p Happy Hour
4:00p—6:30p Silent & Live Auction
7:00a Registration Desk Opens
8:00a Buffet Breakfast with our Exhibitors
9:00a Concurrent Breakout Sessions Choose one
A. Recycling in the Era of Tough Markets: a Roundtable Discussion
B. Recycling & Carbon Policy
C. Composting Do’s and Don’ts
10:15a Exhibitor Spotlight
Enjoy some refreshments and visit with our exhibitors
11:00a Concurrent Breakout Sessions Choose one
A. America Recycles Day/Earth Day: a Roundtable Discussion
B. Construction & Demolition Waste: What’s Old is New Again
C. Alternative Energy Projects in the Midwest
12:15p Lunch and Keynote Presentation by Bill Brown, Sustainability Director, Indiana University
1:30p—3:30p Concurrent Workshops Additional fees apply
A. Making Your Own Green Cleaning Products
B. Vermicomposting 101
IRC 2009 Conference and ExhibitionSponsors to Date (5.01.2009)
Waste ManagementBRONZE SPONSORSAlcoa
All Pro Shearing
Hendricks County Solid Waste Management District
Recycling for Tomorrow
What’s the Conference Like?
Our annual conference is Indiana’s premier waste reduction and recycling event, featuring exhibitors from around the country involved in all aspects of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting. We also offer educational sessions that cover current topics and issues in those same fields, and featured speakers who sometimes give us a different take on what we are doing and why. Learning from each other, gaining new professional contacts, and providing attendees with the tools to do more waste reduction & recycling are prime goals of our conference. We do our best to make all this happen in a fun, inviting atmosphere!
Attendees include administrators, program directors, purchasing agents, sales representatives, and educators from a wide variety of organizations. There is something for everyone: – Healthcare sector / Local health departments
– Solid waste & recycling professionals – Colleges and universities
– Design/build industry – Hospitality industry
– State and Local Governments
– NonProfit Organizations
– Faith community / “green” sanctuaries movement
Conference and Exhibition activities will be held at the Bloomington Convention Center located at 302 South College Avenue in downtown Bloomington. Bloomington is about fifty miles south of Indianapolis. Directions are available at
Hotel accommodations are available at a reduced rate at the Courtyard Bloomington. The Hotel is attached to the convention center. A block of rooms is being held for conference exhibitors and attendees at a reduced rate of $94.00 per night plus tax. Reservations can be made by calling the reservation line at 800-321-2211 or by calling the Courtyard Bloomington directly at 812-335-8000. You must call by May 2, and mention the group code “IRC” when making your reservation to ensure you receive the reduced rate.